
表达现在完成时的句子有哪些,1. He is cleaning his shoes.他在清理他的鞋子。2. The key she lost was

1. He is cleaning his shoes.他在清理他的鞋子。

2. The key she lost was found.她丢失的钥匙找到了。

3. I just came back from France.我刚从法国回来。

4. I haven't eaten much chocolate recently.我最近没吃太多巧克力。

5. I have been in the army for more than 5 years.我在部队已经呆了五年多了。

6. l have played the piano .我已经弹过钢琴了。

7. Have you had lunch yet? -Yes,I have. I've just had it.

8. She has taught in the school for ten years. 她在这所学校教书已经10年了.

9. I have bought a new computer.我买了一台新电脑。

10. I have lost my new book. 我把新书丢了。(现在还未找到)

11. Since when have you planted so many young trees?从什么时候开始你种植了这么多小树的?

12. I have had my lunch.我吃过我的午餐。

13. I have just eaten two apples.我刚刚吃了两个苹果.

14. I have never seen him before.以前我从来没有见过他。

15. She will have finished the book by my next birthday.到我下一个生日为止,她将完成那本书。

16. I think I sent the letter a week ago.我认为我一星期前就把信寄出去了。

17. Ixxxve been doing my homework.我一直在做作业。

18. Have you ever traveled on a plane?你坐飞机旅行过吗?

19. I had thought I could pass the final examination but I failed.我估计我可以通过期末考试,但结果我没通过。

20. He has turned off the light. 他已把灯关了。

21. I’ve just lost my keys.我刚丢了钥匙。

22. This is my first visit to the city.这是我第一次访问这座城市。

23. They have saw that film.他们看过了那场电影。.

24. I have been reading the novel.我一直在看这部小说。

25. I have found my bag.我已经找到了我的书包。

26. Have you been to Rome?你已经去了罗马吗?

27. I've never heard of anyone doing that. 我从未听说有人做那种事。

28. She left home less than a year ago.她离开家还不到一年。

29. Has anyone ever skied before?有人之前滑过水吗?

30. I have learned about two hundred English words this morning. 本月我学了大约200个英语单词.

31. I haven't seen Jamie for two months. 我两个月没见杰米了.

32. Gil bought a new computer.吉尔买了一台新电脑。

33. They haven’t finished yet.他们还没结束。

34. I haven't seen Jamie in two months.我两个月没见杰米了。

35. The film has been on for ten minutes.电影已开始十分钟了。

36. I have known him for years.我认识他已经好几年了。

37. I’ve just finished read.我刚读完书。







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